Browse back issues by issue number

This section of the Nygaard Notes website organizes older back issues, from #300 to #399, by issue number. Click on an issue title to open that issue.

  • Recent issues are listed by issue number on this page.
  • Issues prior to #100 are listed by issue number on this page.
  • Issues from #100 - #199 are listed by issue number on this page.
  • Issues from #200 - #299 are listed by issue number on this page.
  • Issues from #400 - #499 are listed by issue number on this page.

Issue numbers

  • Nygaard Notes # 399, February 7, 2008: "Quote" of the Week: Preaching to the choir; Join the "Friends of Nygaard Notes"; Suharto and His "Mixed Legacy"; Philip Agee and His Legacy
  • Nygaard Notes # 398, January 24, 2008: "Quote" of the Week: He's not a communist; The Venezuela Series Concludes: What To Do?; Socialism of the 21st Century; Further Reading on Venezuela Today
  • Nygaard Notes # 397, January 16, 2008: "Quote" of the Week: " These projects appear threatening to the Bush administration"; Venezuela in the World; Venezuela At Home; Venezuela Intervention Already Underway
  • Nygaard Notes # 396, January 5, 2008: "Quote" of the Week: "Things are looking up!"; The 2007 Nygaard Notes Year in Review
  • Nygaard Notes # 395, December 29, 2007: "Quote" of the Week: They Hate Baseball!; "A Compelling Rationale for Covert Action," Post-Cold War; From Chile 1973 to Venezuela 2007; "Challenges" That Justify Intervention: The Headlines
  • Nygaard Notes # 394, December 23, 2007: Why Think About Venezuela?; 1954: "There Are No Rules In Such A Game"; In Their Own Words: The CIA on Chile, 1964
  • Nygaard Notes # 393, November 30, 2007: Off the Front Page: Hate, Electricity, Sex; "Deficit Way Down" NOT!; Exporting Health Care, Exporting Arms: A Tale of Three Nations; The "Costs" of a Miracle
  • Nygaard Notes # 392, November 16, 2007: Propaganda Theory, Circa 1927; Nobody (Nobody Who Matters, That Is) Was Hurt; Nobody (Nobody Who Matters, That Is) Was Killed; The Return of the Body Counts; Fox Investigates Henhouse Killings: Findings Raise Skepticism; Oh, Let's "Change the Subject"; The "Surge" as the White Man's Burden
  • Nygaard Notes # 391, November 9, 2007: Propaganda Framework I: "Managing a Civil War"; Propaganda Framework II: "The Army's Principal Concern"; Propaganda Framework III: We're Not Responsible for Our Killing; Propaganda Framework IV: The Good Guys and The Bad Guys; Propaganda Framework V: We're Winning!; Propaganda Framework VI: "We Don't Want to Misrepresent Anything."
  • Nygaard Notes # 390, November 2, 2007: "Quote" of the Week: Single-Payer Health Care surprise; The Corporate Agenda Is "All The Rage"; Rock the Boat, Lose the Vote: Investing In the "Right" Democrats


  • Nygaard Notes # 389, October 19, 2007: "Quote" of the Week: Stability and Order; A Word About How Nygaard Notes Works;Praise for the Notes – and Incentive to Pledge (I Hope); Iran and the Threat of Self Defense; Who Needs Evidence? It's the Axis of Evil!
  • Nygaard Notes # 388, October 12, 2007: "Quote" of the Week: It's just not logical; The Keys to Media Empowerment, Part 2: Beyond Truth and Reality; The Keys to Media Empowerment, Part 3: Asking Questions and Media Activism
  • Nygaard Notes # 387, October 6, 2007: "Quote" of the Week: "Rational business decisions," media-style; How to Make a Pledge: It's Simple!; Where Does Your Pledge Money Go?; How Much Should Your Pledge Be?; The Keys to Media Empowerment, Part 1
  • Nygaard Notes # 386, September 30, 2007: "Quote" of the Week: The superrich and their causes; Social Security in Crisis! The (False) Story That Won't Go Away; A Nation of Laws (But Only the Ones We Like); "Mistake" in Minot... Or Was It?; Iran Is the Biggest Threat! Where Have We Heard This Before...?
  • Nygaard Notes # 385, September 20, 2007: "Quote" of the Week: He's "not hearing much"; The Poll of Wishful Thinking; Venezuela and the "Failure" to Follow Orders; Read More About the Silent Subversion of Venezuela
  • Nygaard Notes # 384, September 5, 2007: "Quote" of the Week: "I know it's a troubling phenomenon..."; Income, Poverty, Insurance: What's the (Real) Story?; "Image Boosting" Vs. Solidarity: The U.S. and Cuba
  • Nygaard Notes # 383, August 27, 2007: "Quote" of the Week: Not the same things!; The Stock Market Meltdown: Where to Start?; Iran: Propagandized Information Leads to Righteous Indignation; UN Hunger Agency a "U.S. Fiefdom"
  • Nygaard Notes # 382, August 18, 2007: "Quote" of the Week: No "influence;" just "warnings"; The Democracy Series, Part 5: How We Understand Democracy, and Why; The Democracy Series, Part 6: Policies that Support Radical Democracy; The Democracy Series, Part 7 (The Final): Resources for Learning More About Democracy
  • Nygaard Notes # 381, August 10, 2007: "Quote" of the Week: Air war in Afghanistan; A Problem with Our Nation's Infrastructure? You Read it Here First.; Bridge Collapses and The Media; Reporting on Afghanistan: Bizarre and Terrifying
  • Nygaard Notes # 380, July 31, 2007: "Quote" of the Week: "the traditional revolutionary harangue"; "A Broad and Deepening Dislike of American Values"; The Democracy Series, Part 4: Getting Better at Doing Democracy


  • Nygaard Notes # 379, July 22, 2007: "Quote" of the Week: "the inequalities in resources that market-capitalism churns out"; The Democracy Series, Part 2: The Skills and Arts of Democracy; The Democracy Series, Part 3: The Values of a Democratic System
  • Nygaard Notes # 378, July 14, 2007: "Quote" of the Week: Killing more than the Taliban; Brief update on Afghanistan; Fishing, Freedom, and Democracy; The Democracy Series, Part 1: Democracy in a Cynical Culture
  • Nygaard Notes # 377, June 15, 2007: "Quote" of the Week: "Two different types of insurgency"; Off the Front Page: Climate Change; Free Trade? No.; A Meaningless Statistic? The Death Toll in Afghanistan; Compensating for Deaths, "Ours" vs "Theirs"
  • Nygaard Notes # 376, June 8, 2007: "Quote" of the Week: "Air Fleet Wearing Down"; Update on the U.S. Air Wars in Iraq and Afghanistan; Searching for News of the Air Wars; Bad Reporting on Afghanistan and Iraq: Two Examples
  • Nygaard Notes # 375, June 1, 2007: "Quote" of the Week: Military propaganda outlined; Shrinking Newspapers, Shrinking World; Democratic Congress in Historic Capitulation: Not Front-Page News in Minnesota; Turn On Democracy Now!; Nygaard On TV
  • Nygaard Notes # 374, May 25, 2007: "Quote" of the Week: The Outlaws of Health Care; Update on Abstinence; War Against Terror 1: "A Jihadi Heart and a Jihadi Mind"; War Against Terror 2: "We Lost Everything for Nothing"
  • Nygaard Notes # 373, May 18, 2007: "Quote" of the Week: Congratulations, Outputs!; More on Terrorist Attacks from Two Weeks Ago; Values and the Media, Part 2: How Power Influences One's Values; Values and the Media, Part 3: Values Inside the Newsroom; Values and the Media, Part 4: Who Are the U.S. Journalists Of Today?; My Hypothesis: Tying It All Together
  • Nygaard Notes # 372, May 11, 2007: "Quote" of the Week: Bill Moyers; White House Denies That U.S. is Occupying Iraq!; Values and the Media, Part I: Who Wins When News Values Conflict?; Writing (or Seeking) a News Article 101: The Party Talk Technique
  • Nygaard Notes # 371, May 4, 2007: The Spring 2007 Nygaard Notes Pledge Drive is over! Thanks for making it a success!; "Quote" of the Week: "our war on global terrorism is not going very well"; Journalism Starts With Asking Questions: Which Ones?
  • Nygaard Notes # 370, April 30, 2007: The Spring 2007 Nygaard Notes Pledge Drive continues! "Quote" of the Week: "an unfiltered view of coalition operations in Iraq"; News Stories Reported But Never Seen: The Wire Services; Where Do Nygaard Notes Readers Live?; Need Inspiration to Make a Pledge? Read What They're Saying About the Notes


  • Nygaard Notes # 369, April 20, 2007: The Spring 2007 Nygaard Notes Pledge Drive continues! "Quote" of the Week: "Credible investigative journalism requires proper funding"; The Problem With Embedded Journalists; The Story of the Mysterious Embeds
  • Nygaard Notes # 368, April 11, 2007: The Spring 2007 Nygaard Notes Pledge Drive! "Quote" of the Week: Bloggers on secret retainer; Making a Pledge of Support to the Notes: How To; Where Does Your Pledge Money Go?; How Much Should Your Pledge Be?; Nygaard Notes: An Example of Values-Based Journalism
  • Nygaard Notes # 367, March 28, 2007: "Quote" of the Week: "the violence that Iraqis suffer daily"; "Target Said It Was Sorry" Ché Guevara, Martin Luther King, and a Vision for the Future; Single-Payer Health Care: The Invisible Movement
  • Nygaard Notes # 366, March 19, 2007: "Quote" of the Week: "Hardly covered in our media"; The Secret Air Wars in Iraq and Afghanistan; Seven Unreported Airstrikes; Reporting on U.S. Airstrikes: The Example of Taji; Learn a Little More About the Secret Air Wars
  • Nygaard Notes # 365, March 7, 2007: "Quote" of the Week: Up is Down, Black is White; The Social Security Trojan Horse: Health Care Now, Poverty Later; 90 Percent Favor "Fundamental Change" in Health System
  • Nygaard Notes # 364, February 26, 2007: "Quote" of the Week: $170 billion down the drain; What is a "Trillion?" Read the Business Section, I Tell You!; "Selling People Water by the Bottle Was a Joke"; Billion, Trillions, War, Peace... Understanding the Federal Budget; "We're Going To Be There For A Long Time"
  • Nygaard Notes # 363, February 16, 2007: "Quote" of the Week: "Savings" for some, "cuts" for others; A Mini-History of the C.I.A. 1947-1960; Baseballs, Books, and Boondoggles: A Tale of Two Headlines; A Nation In Prison; Less Jail, Less Crime; The "Condom Cartel" Strikes Again!
  • Nygaard Notes # 362, February 12, 2007: "Quote" of the Week: Army investigates self, finds self innocent; E. Howard Hunt and the National Memory System; Subverting Democracy, In His Own Words
  • Nygaard Notes # 361, February 5, 2007: "Quote" of the Week: U.S. Gov't Has It All Wrong, Says World; Four "Out of Iraq" Bills Before Congress; A Strip, A Flip, and a Sinking Ship: The Sale of the Star Tribune (Your Newspaper May Be Next!)
  • Nygaard Notes # 360, January 29, 2007: "Quote" of the Week: Anti-War Resolution -- with TEETH!; A Summary of Conditions in the Occupied Palestinian Territories: Sources for Information on the Crisis in the Occupied Palestinian Territories
  • Nygaard Notes # 359, January 19, 2007: Conditions in the Occupied Palestinian Territories: A Top Story of 2006; Specific News Stories from the OPT That Were Distorted or Blacked Out in 2006
  • Nygaard Notes # 358, January 11, 2007: Annan: "Blasting the U.S.?" Or Speaking for the World?; The Top News Stories of 2006 in the Propaganda System
  • Nygaard Notes # 357, December 22, 2006: The 2006 Nygaard Notes Year in Review!
  • Nygaard Notes # 356, December 15, 2006: "Quote" of the Week: " Let's cut and run, or cut and walk..."; Anti-Immigrant Hysteria Erupts (Again); Chavez Elected; U.S. Media Baffled; White Christians to the Rescue! Mel Gibson's "Apocalypto"
  • Nygaard Notes # 355, December 8, 2006: Off the Front Page: "Blunting a Leftward Trend"; A Note About the Recent Elections, Democrats, Etc; Iraq and U.S. Elections: "A Tremendous Continuity"
  • Nygaard Notes # 354, November 24, 2006: "Quote" of the Week: Fantasies of "Connection"; Update on Some Heroes in Los Angeles; Layoffs, Layoffs, Layoffs: "This Is a Newspaper Industry Thing"
  • Nygaard Notes # 353, November 16, 2006: News of the Weird I: "The Health Care Riddle"; News of the Weird II: "The Magic of the Market"; News of the Weird III: Afghans Both "Surprisingly Confident" and "Losing Faith"; News of the Weird IV: Just Say No To Sex (If You Want Money)
  • Nygaard Notes # 352, November 4, 2006: A Gallimaufry of "Quotes" of the Week! (Part 2); Election 2006: A Word About Voting
  • Nygaard Notes # 351, October 27, 2006: It's STILL Pledge Drive Time!; What They're Saying About Nygaard Notes (What They're REALLY Saying: Send Your Pledge Today!); Fighting "Delusion Disease" With Nygaard Notes; An Essay on Freeing Our Minds; A Veritable Gallimaufry of "Quotes" of the Week! (Part 1)
  • Nygaard Notes # 350, October 21, 2006: It's STILL Pledge Drive Time!; Making a Pledge to Nygaard Notes: So Easy It's Ridiculous!; Using the Media by Asking Your Own Questions (Nygaard Notes-style); Off the Front Page: Financial Costs of the Iraq War; Off the Front Page: Human Costs of the Iraq War


  • Nygaard Notes # 349, October 13, 2006: It's Pledge Drive Time!; Basics About the Notes; How to Make a Pledge; What Makes Nygaard Notes Unique (and Worthy of Your Support)?; AND The State of Working America 2006
  • Nygaard Notes # 348, October 6, 2006: Media and Propaganda, How it Happens, Part 5: Profits and Class; Media and Propaganda, How it Happens: Summing It All Up
  • Nygaard Notes # 347, October 4, 2006: An Investment Theory of Ideology in the Media; Media and Propaganda, How it Happens, Part 4: A Non-Conspiracy Theory
  • Nygaard Notes # 346, September 25, 2006: Hidden Propaganda 1: Cheap Drugs at Wal-Mart; Hidden Propaganda 2: Thank You, Mr. Billionaire; Hidden Propaganda 3: Where Is It Hiding?
  • Nygaard Notes # 345, September 18, 2006: Media and Propaganda, How it Happens, Part 3: The ABCs of Propaganda; Colombia: A Case Study in Deep Propaganda
  • Nygaard Notes # 344, September 8, 2006: Off The Front Page: Dumb and Dumber in the U.S.; Norm Coleman = Fox. U.N. = Chicken Coop; Media and Propaganda, How It Happens Part 2: What Does a Journalist Do?
  • Nygaard Notes # 343, August 31, 2006: Off The Front Page: Poverty; Media and Propaganda, How It Happens Part 1: What IS the Media?
  • Nygaard Notes # 342, August 25, 2006: Off The Front Page Jubilee (Well, More Than One, Anyway...); Instant Runoff Voting: How and Why; Heads Up, Minneapolis Voters! IRV is Coming!; Learn More About Instant Runoff Voting
  • Nygaard Notes # 341, August 18, 2006: Off the Front Page: Death in Iraq; Insurgency? Or Resistance? Iraq Propaganda Watch
  • Nygaard Notes # 340, August 15, 2006: Off the Front Page: The Poor Pay More (Structural Inequality in the U.S.); A Different Way to Support Nygaard Notes: Hire Me!


  • Nygaard Notes # 339, July 31, 2006: Off the Front Page: U.S. Violates International Law (Again); Thinking About Wars, and So Forth
  • Nygaard Notes # 338, July 26, 2006: Lebanon: Root Causes and Unconventional Thinking; Recommended Sources for Understanding the Lebanon Crisis
  • Nygaard Notes # 337, July 14, 2006: Somalia: "The Americans Ignored Their Warnings"; Palestine: "We're Here to Support the Democratic Process"; Iran: "A Sweeping Initiative to Promote Democracy"; Do You Support Democracy? Reverse the Headlines and Find Out
  • Nygaard Notes # 336, July 6, 2006: Rich Countries Renege, Millions Die, Media Ignores; Looking Bad? Or Being Bad?; We're OK, They're Not OK
  • Nygaard Notes # 335, June 30, 2006: Consumer "Choice," 10,000 Needless Deaths; "Reporters Reluctant to Criticize the Military"; There's Always Room For Tax Cuts!; This "May" Be Propaganda
  • Nygaard Notes # 334, June 23, 2006: Sunglasses Get Apology, Press Remains in the Dark; Social Health in Long Island. And Your Town?; The War Against Terror (The WAT?): Profit Report; Don't Trust Alex Trebek; "The State of Mind of Buying"; "Two Very Different Philosophies"
  • Nygaard Notes # 333, June 15, 2006: Website of the Week: Political Research Associates; Off the Front Page: U.S. "Increasing Nuclear Dangers and Reducing International Security"; Polls and Front Pages: Deciding What's "News"
  • Nygaard Notes # 332, June 8, 2006: Patent Nonsense:  Imagine The Alternatives (Part IV in the "How Ideas Affect Policy" Series); An End to Copyrights: The Artistic Freedom Voucher
  • Nygaard Notes # 331, May 31, 2006: Off the Front Page: U.S. Kills Civilians, And Plans to Kill Thousands More; Imagining a Different Philosophy: Part III in the "How Ideas Affect Policy" Series
  • Nygaard Notes # 330, May 19, 2006: Off the Front Page: Welfare Reform and Poverty; Vaccines, Incentives, and Human Nature: Part II in the "How Ideas Affect Policy" Series


  • Nygaard Notes # 329, May 15, 2006: Off the Front Page: 4 Million Newborns (and Mothers) Dying Needlessly; Bird Flu, Regular Flu, and Empty Tool Boxes
  • Nygaard Notes # 328, May 1, 2006: Off the Front Page: Uninsured Kids; State of the News Media 2006: "The Idealists Have Lost"
  • Nygaard Notes # 327, April 24, 2006: Pledge Drive  Pledge Drive  Pledge Drive!!!; Nygaard Notes: Imagination and Vision; Off the Front Page: Who Are The Bombers?; Infrastructure, Schminfrastructure!
  • Nygaard Notes # 326, April 10, 2006: Nygaard Notes: Why It's So Great (and Why You Want to Make A Pledge); Off the Front Page: Top Lawman Says "We'll Break the Law"; Oh, Yeah, I Also Read These Things; Big Bird A Trojan Horse in Indonesia; Fees for the Poor, Tax Cuts for the Rich; A Note of Hope from Iraq; "Minnesota Guy" Opposes Gay Marriage Amendment
  • Nygaard Notes # 325, March 31, 2006: Once Again, the Magic Number Is: 13; How Much Should Your Pledge Be?; What Nygaard Reads
  • Nygaard Notes # 324, March 20, 2006: Introducing a New Feature: "Off The Front Page"; Off The Front Page: Human Rights, White House Lawbreaking, and U.S. Killings; Threats and Promises
  • Nygaard Notes # 323, March 3, 2006: The "Lesson of Vietnam;" Reduce the Troops, Increase the Bombs; U.S. Bases and "Imperial Intentions" in Iraq; Human Suffering As A Result of the U.S. Occupation: The Numbers; Sources for More Information On Iraq, March 2006; More Untold Stories From Iraq
  • Nygaard Notes # 322, March 1, 2006: Imagine. Two Stories About U.S. Bombs; The Daily Airpower Summary; Why Reporting from Iraq is So Bad
  • Nygaard Notes # 321, February 22, 2006: Analyzing the Media, Nygaard Style; One Week of News from Iraq; What The White House Press Corps COULD Be: Helen Thomas
  • Nygaard Notes # 320, February 2, 2006: Global Human Welfare: Not Worth Reporting?; "A Dramatic, but Largely Unknown, Decline in the Number of Wars"; A Few More Unreported Reports; Seeing is Not Believing in the Twilight Zone


  • Nygaard Notes # 319, January 25, 2006: Budget Bill About To Pass: You Won't Believe What's In It; United States Culture?; Chile Social Security a Failure. Who Knew? We Did; TV-Land: "The Best Possible Environment" = No "Controversy"; "We're All Prepared For That Possibility?" I'm Not!; "Progressively More Autocratic and Antidemocratic." Who, Me?
  • Nygaard Notes # 318, January 20, 2006: The "Benefits" of "Sensible Economic Policies"; The "Nightmare" in Bolivia: Who's Dreaming?
  • Nygaard Notes # 317, January 6, 2006: Why Propaganda 1: To Marginalize Dissent; Why Propaganda 2: Six Specific Reasons; The Scourge of Propaganda: What To Do?; Dealing with Cancer, Dealing with Propaganda: An Analogy
  • Nygaard Notes # 316, December 30, 2005: The Year's Top (Non) Stories; Nygaard Notes Year in Review, 2005 Version
  • Nygaard Notes # 315, December 23, 2005: How Propaganda Works: Three Key Concepts; How Propaganda Works: "Branding"
  • Nygaard Notes # 314, December 16, 2005: How Propaganda Works: The Profit Factor; How Propaganda Works: Transmitting Ideology
  • Nygaard Notes # 313, December 9, 2005: The President: Lying or Ignorant?; How Overt and Deep Propaganda Work: A Case Study; Who Does Propaganda?
  • Nygaard Notes # 312, December 3, 2005: Seasonal Gift-Buying: If You Do It, Do It Well!; When Do We See Propaganda? Six Red Flags; What is "Hegemony?" And Why Do I Care?
  • Nygaard Notes # 311, November 18, 2005: The What, Who, Where, When, How, and Why of Propaganda: An Introduction; Propaganda Series Part I: What Is Propaganda?; Economics, Art and Ideology


  • Nygaard Notes # 310, October 31, 2005: The "Liberal" Media Reviews Books on War; Not in the News I: War Costs Calculated; Not In The News II: Equality Is Good!; Not in the News III: Democracies DO Make War, Mr. Bush
  • Nygaard Notes # 309, October 7, 2005: Sign Up for Nygaard Media Class Now (if you're going to...); Hurricane Response I: The "Domestic Security Initiative"; Hurricane Response II: "An Unnatural Disaster"; Grassroots Hurricane Relief, and Beyond
  • Nygaard Notes # 308, September 30, 2005: "Operation Offset" - The "Conservative Response" to Katrina; The Military Spending We Cannot Cut; Massive Theft in Iraq
  • Nygaard Notes # 307, September 23, 2005: "Some of Us Did Not Realize this America Existed" Race, Class, and Hurricanes; Emotions and the News
  • Nygaard Notes # 306, August 31, 2005: What Is Happening in Iraq? Tips for Staying Informed; "Proof" That Norm Coleman is on "A Crusade of Sorts"; High-Octane Fraud; The Key Fact about "Free Trade:" It's Not About "Freedom"
  • Nygaard Notes # 305, August 25, 2005: A Few Ways to Help Stop the War; Help Stop the Recruiting of Kids for War
  • Nygaard Notes # 304, August 19, 2005: The "phenomenally corrupt" Cheney Energy Task Force; Whose Law is The Law?; "Almost Inconceivable" That U.S. Would Obey the Law
  • Nygaard Notes # 303, August 11, 2005: The Return of the "Presidential" Quotation Marks; "Jingoistic Flag-waving" and The Perfect Nuclear Storm; Resources for Energy Action and Racial Justice
  • Nygaard Notes # 302, July 29, 2005: Nygaard Teaches Media Class: All Invited; "Two Great Democracies" Arm Themselves With Nukes; Nygaard Notes Correction and Apology
  • Nygaard Notes # 301, July 15, 2005: What Goes Into Producing an Issue of Nygaard Notes?; Lunging for the Jugular Vein: The Coming Attack on the Income Tax; The "I Told You So" Section.  And Reasons for Hope
  • Nygaard Notes # 300, June 28, 2005: The Nygaard Notes Project; Praise for Nygaard Notes!
